You will need: A green or white Candle~ (for emotional healing) A black or white candle~ (for release) Crystals~ jet for (release) and rose quartz (to soften the emotional release and replace any unwanted energy with love) Paper and pen A heatproof dish Dried rosemary and rose petals.
Cleanse your tools and space first.
Once your ready, light the candles and hold the jet and rose quartz in your hand and sit for a moment.
Think about the emotions your feeling now ~ what do you want to release?
It could be your emotions about a situation, person or event, or it could be just certain feelings, such as anger or anxiety.
Set the crystals aside and whatever you ant to release, write down on the piece of paper, going into as much detail as possible so your intent is focused.
When your ready, in a heatproof dish, burn the paper completley down to ashes as you visualise youself beginning to release the emotions you have written about. While its burning, through in some dried rosemary to aid emotional release and rose petals to help healing.
Collect the ash when its all burnt down and has cooled. Place it into the palm of your hand. Take your time and when you feel ready, (this bit needs to be done outside), blow the ash from your hand into the air to symbolise complete release.
Let the candles burn out to complete the ritual.
Extract taken from: Earth magic by Lindsay Squire.